Introducing Smart Techniques to Extend your Tire Lifespan

Tires can be considered as something that is directly affecting safety, car’s ability to perform and even its fuel consumption rate. Longer lasting tires also saves the cost of frequent replacement and also ensures a safer road environment when driving. The following are some tips that will help you to drive smart so that to increase the mileage of your tires.

1. Regularly Check Tire Pressure

Tire pressure is one of the critical features of tires that should always be in check to increase tire durability. Tires that are under-inflated creates a lot of heat, wears up quickly and results to blow outs often. On the other hand, the situation where the tires are inflated to a pressure that is higher than the optimum amount is disadvantageous since the tires wear out unevenly with poor contact with the ground.

Regularly Check Tire Pressure

Action Step: They include; using a tire pressure gauge to check the tire pressure at least once a month or before going on a long trip. The pressure should then be set according to the standard recommended by the manufacturer of the specific vehicle model.

2. Rotate Your Tires

Tire rotation is stepping up all the four tires to another position on the car to warrant that all the four tires wear out equally. This practice assists in ensuring even distribution of the wear with the front tires commonly experiencing different wear as compared to the rear tires because of the forces of steering and braking.

Action Step: Change your cars tire from front to rear and from rear to front every 6000 to 8000 miles or as specified by your vehicle manufacturer.

3. Align Your Wheels

Wheel alignment simply means that your wheels are set in the right direction concerning the road as well as with the other wheels. Misalignment causes the tires to wear out unevenly which makes the vehicle consume a lot of fuel and has poor handling.

 Align Your Wheels

Action Step: You should always get your wheel alignment checked and corrected if ever you find your car drifting on a specific direction or of you’ve gone over a large pothole or sideways curb.

4. Balance Your Tires

It is required for making certain that the load of a certain vehicle is shared equitably in all the tires. You may go through shocks, excessive vibrations, uneven wear of tires, and related stresses on the supporting suspensions.

Action Step: It is always important to balance your tires any time you change your tires or if at times you notice that you have vibrations while driving.

5. Drive Smoothly

Driving aggressively such as acceleration quickly, braking harshly or suddenly turning can make the tires wear out more faster and therefore wear out faster. Some of the ways through which smooth driving habits assist in maintaining the quality of your tires include;

Action Step: Slow down and stop well in advance, and turn by tapering when at all possible.

6. Check for Tire Damage

Check for tire damage often such as cuts, punctures, cracks and bulges in the tires. These are things that should be resolved before things worsen; they are matters of safety in ones home.

Action Step: It will be helpful to carry out a routine inspection of your tires every one months and especially if you are planning for a long trip. It is also important that one should check the level of wear using a tire tread depth gauge.

7. Maintain Proper Tire Alignment

Any jolt that is received while driving over uneven or rough surface changes the position of the wheels. On this genre the alignment contributes to a better distribution of the load of the vehicle and a better control.

Maintain Proper Tire Alignment

Action Step: Take time to ensure you get tire alignment checked up every now and then and especially if your car has been involve in an accident.

8. Invest in Quality Tires

The quality of a tire and the company producing it has a good impact on the ability to get longer lasting tires. Those in USA should consider recommendations to buy the wholesale tires from popular suppliers which are quality as well as cheap such as the USA Wheels and Tire.

Action Step: When purchasing your tires you should ensure that you buy from one stop’ centers and have an option of buying them in bulk.

9. Regularly Clean Your Tires

Tire wears out slowly but constantly over time when there is built-up dirt on them. This implies that even the condition of your tires can also be known once you have a regular cleaning activity.

Action Step: Wash your tires by using ordinary soap and water for washing, avoid using strong chemicals that may affect the tires’ rubber.

10. Avoid Overloading Your Vehicle

Going beyond your vehicle’s transport capacity can put more pressure on tires, and this results in wear and tear or even blowing of tires.

Action Step: Always stick to the load capacities indicated on your car’s manual and do not overload your vehicle.

Routine check used car and proper driving techniques and having good quality tires from authentic stores such as USA Wheels and Tire are some way that will help you to get a better experience and get a long result from that investment. You can make a visit to USA Wheels and Tire if you are looking for high quality wholesale tires and for the best tips on tire care. Safe driving and proper care of tires is the key!


Smart driving does not only encompass the aspects of keeping your automobile engine and other substructures in good condition. If you are to follow these techniques, your car’s tires will last longer thus improving the safety, and efficiency of your car.

Read Also: How to Stay Safe on the Road: Understanding Tire Safety Basics


1. What is the recommended frequency to check my tire pressure?

On average tires should be checked once a month or before a long drive so it is advisable that you do a regular check.

2. When is it appropriate to get my tires rotated?

Again, it is advised that you should change your tire after every 6,000 to 8,000 miles or as your vehicle manufacturer recommends to help the tires wear uniformly.

3. When are there tell-tale indications that the tires of my car are due for alignment?

Symptoms may range from your car pulling to the side of the road, when your tires are wearing out unevenly, or there is vibration in the steering wheel.

4. What is the importance of investing in good quality tires?

Premium tires are long lasting, provide better performance and more safety as compared to the normal or average tire. This way you are assured of getting quality brands from suppliers such as USA Wheels and Tire while at the same time getting a reasonable price for the brands.

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