For safety, performance and longevity, every driver needs to maintain their vehicle’s tires regularly. Tire maintenance can help to shun off costly repairs. It also helps to improve fuel efficiency. Here is a guide about some maintenance tips for tires that every driver needs to know.

Inflate Your Safety, Not Your Risk

It is absolutely vital to maintain a certain pressure in tires. It is crucial for various reasons. For instance, tires that are not inflated properly may blowout. On the other hand, if you inflate them too much, they may lose traction. Proper inflation of the tires also improves your gas mileage, since it reduces rolling resistance. It can also prevent uneven wear, hence extending the life of the tires. It is best if you check the pressure of your tires at least one time in a month. The owner manual of your vehicle may tell you about the correct pressure. You can also find a sticker about it inside the driver door of your automobile.

Grip the Road, Not the Repair Shop

Road grip comes from tire tread. Especially when the weather conditions are unfavorable. You can check your tire treed via a penny test. For this, simply insert a penny inside the tread groove with the right side of the coin in an upside-down position. If you can see the top of the coin this way, it may be time to replace your tire. There are also tread wear indicators that come with modern tires. They are in-built into the tires. Their flushing with the tread indicates the time for tire change.

Grip the Road, Not the Repair Shop

Give Your Tires a Turn: Rotate for Even Wear

If you rotate your tires after every 5000 to 7000 miles, they may wear in an even way. This results in a longevity in the life of your tires. It may also improve their performance. Rotation patterns are different for different types of vehicles. You may need to consult your owner’s manual or a professional mechanic to get guidance in this regard.

Balancing Matters

Unbalanced wheels may cause vibration in your vehicle. This leads to uneven wear and also possible damage of your vehicle’s suspension. If there is vibration in your car especially at high speeds, it may be a warning that you need to balance your tires. This balancing is done with the help of special tools and equipment, that ensure a smooth ride.

Wheel alignment

For proper vehicle handling and even tire wear, it is necessary for the wheels to align properly. Misaligned wheels cause the vehicle to pull to one side. This leads to rapid and uneven wear of the tires. There are certain signs that let you know if there is a problem with your wheel alignment. For instance.

Wheel alignment

Uneven tire wear

  • The car pulls towards one side.
  • Your steering wheel comes in a crooked position when you drive straight.
  • Load Up, Not Over

    There is a certain amount of load that your vehicle can carry. Anything above that limit is overloading which can lead to excessive heat buildup in the tires. This leads to blowouts. When loading your vehicle, make sure that you get to know the exact amount of load that your vehicle may carry easily.

    Safety in Sight: Regular Professional Inspections

    It is necessary to have some professional inspect your wheels, even if you perform diligent self maintenance. A professional may find out issues that a nob eye may miss. They may also tell you about the health of your spare tire which we so often ignore. It is necessary because we never know when we may need it.

    Drive in style but not without safety

    The way you drive your vehicle directly impacts on your tire’s lifespan. If you are a rush driver, you may know that speeding generates a lot more heat which increases the risk of tire damage. Potholes and curbs can cause misalignment and damage to tires. Also if you turn your vehicle too quickly, your tires may lose road control due to uneven tire wear.

    Finding quality wheels and tires near you

    Find a reputable dealer when you search for Wheels and tires near me. The reviews and ratings of tire shops matter a lot. You can also ask your colleagues for recommendations. Checking the certification of the shops also helps. It is also best if you compare prices and services to get the best deals instead of settling for the first shop available.
    USA wheels and tires are a match winning investment for any vehicle owner. If you opt for a trustworthy and reputable tire dealer, you ensure quality. It also means that you make efforts to enhance your vehicle’s performance and safety.

    Finding quality wheels and tires near you


    The performance of essential tire maintenance is not only about making your tire’s last long. It is primarily about ensuring your safety during the uncertainties of a vehicle ride. It is also about enhancing its performance. The tips we have discussed so far, are proven to help in keeping the tires in top condition. They may help you enjoy a safer and smoother ride. Making informed decisions in this regard may keep you on the roads safely and efficiently.

    Read Also: How to Choose the Best Tires for Your Vehicle: A Complete Guide


    Q1. What is the frequency at which a driver ought to inspect the tire pressure?

    It is advised to have your tire pressure tested and checked monthly and before any long journey. A car driver performs at its best, is safe and consumes less fuel when the recommended tire pressure is maintained.

    Q2. What does the penny test for tire tread indicate, and how can I conduct the test?

    The penny test is also another method used to determine the tire tread depth especially for people who are not conversant with the use of a tread depth gauge. Take a penny and place it head first into the tread groove such that Lincoln’s head is in a downward movemen If you can count the pearls on the tap-dancing Lincoln, it’s high time to put on new tires, because the existing ones have become extremely worn-out.

    Q3. How often should one change the four tires of the car?

    It is recommended that you should change your tires from time to time after covering a mileage of about 5,000 to 7,000 miles. As indicated above, rotation keeps stress evenly distributed and hence useful for extending tire’s longevity and enhancement of its competence.

    Q4. What are the symptoms that my wheels require alignment?

    The common symptoms that the wheels are misaligned include some scrapping, uneven wearing of tires, the car pulling towards a certain direction, and the steering wheel pointing in the wrong direction when the vehicle is moving forward. It is very important mainly for better handling and wear of tires.

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